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Thursday, April 3, 2008


Oh, how I love my boys!

Ok, ok, I'm updating the blog...sorry for the delay, we've been busy!

Today Ethan started Mother's Day Out at our church, and I went back to work 2 days a week. He did great! He played all day, ATE HIS LUNCH (which is HUGE), and even took a little nap! They told me he didn't cry at all, but for some reason everyone keeps asking how I did with him in MDO...well, I did just fine, no tears, thank you very much. I just thought about him all day.

We visited the doctor this week, too. She said he walks like an 18 month old, his molars are coming in, and is a healthy happy baby while he giggled and played in the room. However, he now weighs 17 lbs, which isn't much. Like his big brother, Ethan is a little guy, but much smaller. He's in the 50% for height on the growth chart, but less than 3% for weight. So we'll be seeing a nutritionist to see if we can get his weight up. I'll keep you posted.


We recently visited my family in Arlington for Ethan's Birthday, Blayne & my 5th Anniversary, Easter, and Spring Break. Whew! Lots to post.


Ethan had so much fun with the cousins, cake and presents. Since Alissa's birthday was just a week later, we joined forces and celebrated them both. What a great group of kids we have! While Ethan playing with the basketball hoop from Jake & Avery (which he loves!), they cheered him on like a champ, laughed with each giggle he made, and showed him how to play with all his new toys.

(Here's where I was going to put this cute little video where Ethan plays with the hoop and all the kids are surrounding him cheering and laughing. But the blogs not being cooperative.)

His "underwater" themed party was so cute! Since time was an issue coming in from out of town, I decided to have cupcakes instead of a big cake. All the kids had their own "fish" candle to blow out, to teach Ethan how it's done. Ethan & Alissa had starfish cupcakes, which must have been delicious...

(And here's where the cute video would go of Ethan clapping all excitedly about getting cake all over himself)

It was so great to share this FIRST with people we love!


We had a wonderful time visiting my parent's church...the living room. Now most kids who say they have church in the living room are watching it on TV or joking about football being their chapel, but in this case, Dad's really the preacher! It was wonderful worshipping with his their group. It must have be similar to what the early church was like...very simple and pure.

Afterwards came the hunt! Garrett showed Ethan how to hunt for eggs. He had a blast chasing the kids around, and so did Ethan.

(Yes, another cute video...laughter, cuteness, etc)


Garrett's 7 on 7 football team is the new MONTGOMERY CITY CHAMPS!! They have the Regional competition this Saturday in College Station...then it's off to State! I'll post pictures soon.

He's also been running track and improving his personal best! He didn't joined the track team because he was a fast runner; he joined to BECOME a fast runner, increase his endurance, and to have fun. I'm so proud of his dedication! He's attempted the hurdles and pole vaulting...that's been fun to watch. With his long legs, he's a natural at hurdles, he just needs a little more practicing to become great...then WATCH OUT! Here he is in the 400 meter dash (watch those long legs go!)...

(don't ask me why this one would post and not the others???)

Tonight they had a District meet. Garrett ran the 400 in shoes 2 sizes too small...he tried so hard, but he didn't win. While Garrett's team was out on the track, Ethan was learning a field event...the High Step.

(I am really bumbed that this one won't post. We were in the pole vault "pen" next to the track and Ethan learned to climb a step while standing. The "step" is a 3" high running track. He climbs up onto the step then walks off the other me it's cute.)

And what Texas Spring isn't complete without...


Garrett's our little photographer, thanks for taking these great shots! I plan to get Garrett & Ethan's picture in the flowers as soon as he'll finish coming home from school all sweaty from practice! Maybe this weekend...

Speaking of this weekend, I'm heading to Canton with the girls from our Sunday School Class! Watch out shops, here we come! This will be the first time Blayne gets to watch Ethan overnight without me...please pray for him!

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