Ink Mod

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


What fun we had this year! Ethan was a cowboy...the cutest in the west, and Garrett ran around as a Dallas Stars player. Our plan was to get to the church, but didn't think Ethan was up for it (whining and fussy). So, we walked thru the neighborhood with some neighbors and knocked on the doors.

Ethan figured out how this thing worked REALLY quick! He started to walk right into people's was so funny. And since there's only a few homes here, everyone insisted he take handfulls of candy...which he was more than willing.

And yes, Garrett did go Trick-or-Treating with some friends. I personally think a Freshman in High School is a little old, but apparently you're not too old for candy! And they had a blast! Afterwards, they went to the Varsity Football game...we WON!

This one is Garrett's pumpkin...he won "Scariest Pumpkin" in the neighborhood Jack-o-Lantern contest!

And this one is Ethan's cute Winnie the Pooh pumpkin...he got an honorable mention. Not bad for his first pumpkin!

What a cute little cowpoke!

Just running around, laughing, having fun, then OOPS...

We got his belt after that!

Daddy had fun, too. Daddy loves candy!

Mommy just thinks I'm the cutest!

Since the walk is sooooooo far, I caught a ride with a cute girl down the street. We took turns pulling the wagon up and down the long driveways. It was fun!

I can't wait until next year!

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